Koeke Fridays
Are you over the age of 60 years and want to connect with other Koeke every Friday?
Poutiri delivers a Koeke program every Friday on Makahae and/ or Moko Marae in Waitangi:
Learn more about your health and wellbeing
Regular free health checks
Fun fitness
Strength and balance exercises
Range of health guest speakers
Lunch provided
Support to access healthy homes, podiatry and other relevant services
Transport available
To access, click here to complete a Self Referral Form online
Contact Tash on email tcunningham@poutiri.org
Whānau Fitness Classes
Poutiri provides free Whānau Ora Fitness Classes very week
Tuesday 5.15pm
Thursday 11am
Pop in and check them out at the Baptist Church, Te Puke
This service is free, we welcome a koha of non-perishable food for Pataka @ 74 Jellicoe Street
To access, click here to complete a Self Referral Form online
Contact Tanya Hood for any questions.